Publié le 3 février 2023 Mis à jour le 5 février 2023

The International Research Centre of Disaster Science and Sustainable Development (IRC2D) hosted by University of Clermont Auvergne invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship on independent research of the applicant’s choosing that will fit into the general theme “Natural disasters and socio-economic vulnerability” and involving various disciplines (Earth, atmospheric and environmental sciences, mathematics, physics, economics, laws, human and social sciences, psychology, health sciences).

Postdoctoral research fellowship
University of Clermont Auvergne - Excellency Chair Programme 2021


The International Research Centre of Disaster Science and Sustainable Development (IRC2D) hosted by University of Clermont Auvergne (UCA) and involving various disciplines (Earth, atmospheric and environmental sciences, mathematics, physics, economics, laws, human and social sciences, psychology, health sciences) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship on independent research of the applicant’s choosing”. IRC2D aims at studying complex interactions between natural disasters and societies, in particular volcanism in developing countries, and the path between research and political decision-making. Research activities encompass a broad range of approaches and relate to quantitative studies of natural hazards (including physico-chemical processes), physical or socio-economic impacts of natural hazards, hazard/risk evaluation, vulnerability/resilience assessment, or hazard/risk communication strategies. Details on research programs and laboratories involved can be found on the web site ([id-fiche]ficheaccueil;1551890425737;0[/id-fiche]). Candidates are requested to contact potential host laboratories to develop collaborative projects.

The research fellowship will be funded by IRC2D-UCA Excellency Chair Programme. Contract must start before 1st October 2023. Fellowship is supported for 24 months and includes a research allowance. The gross annual salary is € 30,700-32,800 depending on experience and includes a benefits package (health insurance plus retirement and unemployment benefits).

Candidates are requested to submit:

  • Their own original research proposal (limited to no more than 4 pages including budget, plus references, and mentioning contact persons in potential host laboratories). Budget higher than 10 k€ must be duly justified.
  • A CV (including a list of publications, description of thesis and any postdoctoral research)
  • A letter of motivation
  • The electronic version of up to five publications
All these documents should be submitted to Olivier Roche ( and Socheata Sean ( Candidates are also requested to ask one or two referees to send their letters of recommendation to the same email addresses.

The deadline for applications is 24th February 2023. Research projects will be reviewed on the basis of their scientific excellence and innovation. Proficiency in French is not required, and applications can be submitted in English.

Please contact IRC2D staff for any further information: Socheata Sean, Administrator ( and Olivier Roche, Director (