Publié le 21 décembre 2020 Mis à jour le 5 mars 2021

Adolf Avuletey
Adolf Avuletey - Adolf Avuletey

Présentation/ Presentation

Nom/ Last name : AVULETEY

Prénom/ First name : Adolf

Nationalité - Pays d’origine / Nationality – Country of origin : Ghanaian - Ghana

Formation/ Training

Formation antérieure / background training :  I studied Economics at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and graduated with a first class degree.

Master suivi à l’UCA/ Master’s degree followed at UCA : Master in Economie du développement speciality Development Economics

Que pensez-vous que cette formation va vous apporter ? What do you think the training will bring you ?

This training will provide me with the knowledge in need to come up with meaningful economic policies that will address the pressing economic challenges (extreme poverty) of a developing country like Ghana.

Ambitions / Ambitions

Quels sont vos projets d’avenir ? What are your projects for the future?

I wish to return to my home country and help implement economic policies to eradicate extreme poverty, or as well become a Development Economist Lecturer and Researcher to have an impact on students, thereby improving the education system of Ghana.

Centre d’intérêt / Hobbies

Quels sont vos centres d’intérêt ? What are your hobbies ?

Reading, watching football, playing football and listening to music