Publié le 14 janvier 2021 Mis à jour le 25 janvier 2021

Ahmad Samir RANJBAR (EN)
Ahmad Samir RANJBAR (EN) - Ahmad Samir RANJBAR (EN)

Présentation/ Presentation

Nom/ Last name : RANJBAR

Prénom/ First name : Ahmad Samir

Nationalité - Pays d’origine / Nationality – Country of origin : Afghan – Afghanistan

Formation/ Training

Formation antérieure / background training : Economics

Master suivi à l’UCA/ Master’s degree followed at UCA : Master 2 in Economie du développement speciality Development economics

Que pensez-vous que cette formation va vous apporter ? What do you think the training will bring you ?

I think my degree at UCA is going to contribute tremendously to enhancing my theoretical and practical knowledge of the field with outstanding academicians and international academic environment. In addition, it enables me to pursue a successful career in the future either in public or private organizations.

Ambitions / Ambitions

Quels sont vos projets d’avenir ? What are your projects for the future?

I would like to contribute to the development of my community; therefore, I am doing my M.A in Development Economics. I am sure that my degree at UCA will provide me with enough knowledge on fields such as : Good governance, Economic policy making and Evaluation, and poverty alleviation ; while working at either governmental public institutions or NGOs.

Centre d’intérêt / Hobbies

Quels sont vos centres d’intérêt ? What are your hobbies ?

My main hobbies are reading books, swimming, playing tennis, and hanging out with my friends and colleagues. I think without mental and physical exercises our soul and body become feeble.