Publié le 14 janvier 2021 Mis à jour le 14 janvier 2021


Présentation/ Presentation

Nom/ Last name : AMISSAH-ODOOM

Prénom/ First name : Paa Kwesi

Nationalité - Pays d’origine / Nationality – Country of origin : Ghanaian - Ghana

Formation/ Training

Formation antérieure / background training : Economics

Master suivi à l’UCA/ Master’s degree followed at UCA : Master en Economie du développement speciality Development economics

Que pensez-vous que cette formation va vous apporter ? What do you think the training will bring you ?

I am certain the program will give me the tools I need to conduct research on various developmental issues in order to advocate for policies that will improve the lives of young people in Ghana.

Ambitions / Ambitions

Quels sont vos projets d’avenir ? What are your projects for the future?

I aim to obtain a PhD in Economics and become a Lecturer and Economic Consultant. Then I wish to return to my home country to impart knowledge into the younger generations.

Centre d’intérêt / Hobbies

Quels sont vos centres d’intérêt ? What are your hobbies ?

Reading books, watching documentaries and football.