Publié le 14 janvier 2021 Mis à jour le 14 janvier 2021

Weaam CHAYA - Weaam CHAYA

Présentation/ Presentation

Nom/ Last name : CHAYA

Prénom/ First name : Weaam

Nationalité - Pays d’origine / Nationality – Country of origin : Lebanese - Lebanon

Formation/ Training

Formation antérieure / background training : Biology – Food technology

Master suivi à l’UCA/ Master’s degree followed at UCA : Master Gestion des territoires et développement local, speciality Global Quality In European Livestock Systems (GLOQUAL)

Que pensez-vous que cette formation va vous apporter ? What do you think the training will bring you ?

This master degree will allow me to deepen my knowledge in livestock systems in Europe. It will also give me the opportunity to work in the field to improve the sustainability of the livestock sector.

Ambitions / Ambitions

Quels sont vos projets d’avenir ? What are your projects for the future?

After this master I am planning to pursue in the field of research and complete a PhD degree. I shall thus be able to share my experience with future generations, and to enhance the sustainability of the livestock sector.

Centre d’intérêt / Hobbies

Quels sont vos centres d’intérêt ? What are your hobbies ?

Hiking – Biking – Reading