Publié le 4 janvier 2023 Mis à jour le 20 janvier 2023
Complément date

International School of Volcanology
“Working on active volcanoes: learning the tools of modern volcanology”

Field observations, data acquisition, reporting and response


The Aeolian Islands are one of the well-known places for their volcanic geology and activity. Spectacular basaltic explosions occurring continuously at Stromboli has made the island the target of many international experiments which have driven the way volcanologists are working today and have made the island one of the best volcano-laboratories in the world. At Lipari and Vulcano, perfectly-exposed outcrops and continuous gas emissions represent a unique opportunity to observe the variability of volcanic activity styles, from fumarolic through effusive to explosive; from Vulcanian to Plinian eruptions, and from basaltic to rhyolitic activity.

Students will be introduced to the state of the art of physical volcanology, remote sensing, geophysics and geochemistry as carried out at active volcanoes, from tephra studies to instrumentation, data acquisition and processing, to application of data for reporting, monitoring and communication duties. Volcanological studies and monitoring tools will integrated to define eruptive dynamics as well as Alert levels and EarlyWarning procedures for Civil Protection use.


The school is organized with short lectures and field application. The school is strongly field-based, where lectures and discussion on volcano dynamics, and the use of the instruments, will be made in a hands-on manner rather than in theory. Multiparametric experiments and outcrop observations will be carried out during the school and used to support learning through implementation.

Further details on the school program, fees and travel will be available by 15 January 2023 in the second circular and on the AIV website ( / Official contact: school@aivulc.i


The target of the school will be Master’s and Graduate students, and Early Career Scientists; especially those with observatory experience.
  • Maximum number of participants: 25


  • 17–24 June 2023


  • Venue: Lipari, Aeolian Islands (Hotel Filadelfia)
  • Measurement trips: Vulcano and Stromboli

Fees and registration

Full board to be borne by the school (depending on final number of students)

  • Application deadline: 31st Jan 2023 
  • Participant selection: 28th Feb 2023
  • Confirmation and program: 15th Mar 2023

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