LabEx IMobS3

Developing technological blocks that are both efficient and respectful of the environment for innovative mobility of persons, goods and machines
This LabEx coordinated by Clermont Auvergne University in Clermont-Ferrand brings together seven laboratories (240 people) from six institutions.
  • Challenge 1: Intelligent vehicles and machines. Niche markets with very high added value (driver assistance systems, autonomous vehicles, manufacturing robotics, agricultural robotics, agile and reconfigurable machine tools, flexible workshops, etc.).
  • Challenge 2: Services and systems for smart mobility. Innovative decision support systems optimizing management of a fleet of vehicles or set of machines (flexible workshops, bioreactor) in terms of quality of the service rendered, user safety and energy consumed.
  • Challenge 3: Energy production processes for mobility. Developing innovative processes aimed at integrating and intensifying bioreactors to launch a biorefinery concept for the future, based on carbon sequestration by microalgae (new sensors, optimized light-matter interaction, process control-command, etc.).

LabEx ClerVolc

Building collaboration between partner laboratories, using the strengths of each to create a laboratory of excellence in the areas of volcanic phenomena, their dangers and risks.ClerVolc is a research, innovation and training cluster in the areas of volcanic phenomena, their dangers and risks. ClerVolc is funded by the French government’s "Laboratory of excellence" program. The project brings together six research laboratories from Clermont Auvergne University (UBP)-CNRS, BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières) and OPGC (Observatoire Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand), under the leadership of Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans (LMV) at Clermont Auvergne University.

Key elements of the ClerVolc project are:
  • The study of volcanic phenomena, from deep magmatic areas to the atmosphere, and their environmental and societal impacts
  • The development of new techniques and know-how in volcanological research
  • The transfer of knowledge in modern volcanology to young scientists in developing countries


Creating a huge European thinktank with international visibility on development issues, bringing together researchers from France, Europe and southern countriesThe IDGM+ laboratory of excellence aims to promote research of excellence reexamining international development policies.

The main topics covered by LabEx are:
  • the effectiveness of aid
  • sustainable development
  • global development governance

Labex IDGM+ brings together Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International, Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International and Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales.
It aims to create a large French development thinktank able to solidify the scientific bases for development policies and the visibility of French research in this area.