Objective: to attract top internationally renowned researchers and professor-researchers to the Clermont-Ferrand site.

Clermont Auvergne University and its partners are committed to establishing optimal conditions to express the potential of researchers and professor-researchers recruited under CAP 20-25, in line with the project’s objectives and the site’s higher education and research policy.

A number of measures have been put in place to achieve this objective:

The Tenure Track

Objective: To allow the leading-edge scientific areas to stay/become competitive worldwide in terms of recruitment through the establishment of a specific tenure process.

In the fall of 2017, the Board of Directors of Clermont Auvergne University formally established a Tenure Track mechanism inspired by "academic tenure" typical of North American universities.
The young researchers selected for the measure will be offered a permanent professor-researcher position at a level equivalent to that of a university professor, after a probationary period with a fixed-term contract of three +two years, subject to a positive evaluation at the end of the five-year period.

Labelling positions

Objective: To label 50% of new positions at CAP 20-25 member establishments

In 2017, member educational institutions of the CAP 20-25 consortium, as well as INRA and IRSTEA began a "CAP 20-25 labelling" campaign for researcher, professor-researcher and researcher engineer positions open to recruitment.

The objective of labelling 50% of new positions was reached right in the first year of the project, with 26 new positions filled in the CAP 20-25 perimeter.

Job profiles bearing the “CAP 20-25" label receive assistance in settling into the new position and flexibility from the education department.