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Accueil I-SITE CAP20-25
The I-SITE Label: A Mark of Excellence
Clermont Auvergne University recognized as one of the 17 French universities of excellence.Clermont Auvergne University has been awarded the "Initiatives of Excellence" (I-SITE) label as part of the "Investments for the Future" program. This program aims to establish a select group of French universities that will promote all their research and training activities on an international scale.
The I-SITE Label: A Mark of Excellence
Clermont Auvergne University recognized as one of the 17 French universities of excellence.Clermont Auvergne University has been awarded the "Initiatives of Excellence" (I-SITE) label as part of the "Investments for the Future" program. This program aims to establish a select group of French universities that will promote all their research and training activities on an international scale.
The latest news from international research centers
Conférence Pôle Sciences de la durabilité
- Recherche
Sommet des Mobilités Territoriales Durables
- Recherche
Appel à projets 2025 du CIR ITPS
Voeux 2025
Séminaire annuel IRC-SAE 2024
- Recherche
International School of Volcanology “Working on active volcanoes: learning the tools of modern volcanology” Field observations, data acquisition, reporting and response
The latest news from international research centers
Conférence Pôle Sciences de la durabilité
- Recherche
Sommet des Mobilités Territoriales Durables
- Recherche
Appel à projets 2025 du CIR ITPS
Voeux 2025
Séminaire annuel IRC-SAE 2024
- Recherche
International School of Volcanology “Working on active volcanoes: learning the tools of modern volcanology” Field observations, data acquisition, reporting and response